The primary contributor to death and morbidity in Israel and the western world are heart attacks. In the last few decades, the treatment of heart attacks has seen a substantial improvement. This is perhaps most evident in our understanding of the utilization of early catheterization and an improved quality in drugs.

The Sheba Cardiovascular and Thoracic Institute is internationally acknowledged as one of the most esteemed cardiac centers in the world. Annually, hundreds of patients are treated following a cardiac emergency. Decades of providing treatment has revealed to us that enhanced care significantly diminishes the likelihood of recurrent myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, severe cardiac impairment, and congestive heart failure.

Then again, there is a significant lack of information regarding the quality of life and the improved symptoms of individuals after treatment. With a commitment to treatment optimization, The world leading PROM project assesses post MI patient symptoms.

The project has leveraged the data of over 2,000 patients who were admitted to Sheba and underwent a therapeutic catheterization following a heart attack. The patients filled out a questionnaire concerning symptoms like shortness of breath and chest pain, both during their hospitalization and at intervals of 30, 90, 180 days, and one year following their discharge.

As depicted in the graph, 76% of patients experiencing shortness of breath either during or before the MI did not report such symptoms one year post-catheterization. Additionally, 84% of patients who endured angina pectoris before or during the MI found relief from it one year after the procedure.These findings hold significance not only for the enhanced quality of life experienced by patients but also as shortness of breath and angina pectoris are clinical indicators of cardiac muscle damage and/or the presence of persistent or recurrent stenosis in the cardiac arteries.

Recent published studies* indicate that the incidence of significant complications one year after catheterization, such as a recurrent cardiac incident or the necessity for urgent repeated catheterization, stands at 15-20%.

Results based on data from 2015 to 2022: