Objeclive: To assess reasons for noncompliance with COVID-19 vaccination among healthcare workers (HCWs).
Design: Cohort observational and ecnallievrtSstt1dy.
Setting: Sheba Medical Center, a 1,600-bed terliary-care medical center in Israel. Participants: The study included 10,888 HCWs inclt1ding all employees, students, and volunteers. Intervention: The BNTI62b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was offered to all HCWs of the hospital. Noncompliance was assessed, and pre­roUout and posl-rollout surveys were conducted. Data regarding uptake of the vaccine as weU as demographic data and compliance with prior influenza nסilaniccavwere coUected, and 2 surveys were dislributed. The survey before the roUoul pertained to the intention to receive the vaccine, and the stו.rvey after the roUout deתialrepto all unvaccinated HCWs regarding cat1ses of hesitancy.
Restוlts: 1n the pre-roUout survey, 1,673 (47%) of 3,563 HCWs declared their intent to receive the vaccine. Overall, 8,108 (79%) HCWs received the COVID-19 תihtiw eתiccav40 days of roUoul. In a multivariale Jogistic regression model, the faclors that were significant srlciderpof vaccine uptake were male sex, age 40-59 years, occupation (paramedical professionals and doctors), high socioeconomic level, and compliance with tlt1 vaccine. Among 425 delaתiccavmtHCWs who answered the second survey, the most common cause for hesitancy was the risk during pregnancy (31 %). Conclusions: Although vaccine uptake among HCWs was higher than expected, relatively low uptake was observed among young women and those from lower socioeconom.ic levels and educational backgrounds. Concerns regarding vaccine safety gnir.וtdpregnancy were common a.nd more dala l1tסbavaccine safely, especially during pregnancy, mighl irnprove compliance.

Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
Gilboa M, Tal I, Levin EG, Segal S, Belkin A, Zilberman-Daniels T, Biber A, Rubin C, Rahav G, Regev-Yochay G.
doi: 10.1017/ice.2021.421