Laboratory Complex with Bio safety Level 3

Preparing Israel for Future Pandemics

The  Need

The COVID-19 pandemic was overwhelming and greatly affected the health, sociology, politics and economics of many countries, while challenging past assumptions and future certainties.

At present, Israel does not have a national center dedicated to the study of dangerous pathogens and the number of virologists and Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) laboratories – the appropriate safety level required for researching deadly viruses – do not meet the needs of the country.

About the
Laboratory Complex with Bio Safety Level 3

National security considerations compelled us to establish a national laboratory complex, capable of conducting in-depth research into life-threatening pathogens such as COVID-19, with the capability of rapidly transitioning into a diagnostic and testing center when needed.

The Project

The laboratory complex provides the infrastructure required to support Sheba’s research capabilities, The 100 sq. m. complex includes three BSL-3 laboratories with the appropriate support facilities and an additional culture laboratory and equipment laboratory, Sheba’ diverse and extensive research activities stem from the long-term investment in special projects, infrastructure and equipment that encourage and cultivate excellence, including a preclinical research framework, advanced interdisciplinary equipment, good manufacturing practice (GMP) laboratories, an integrated data structure and more.

Sheba’s Laboratory Complex with Biosafety Level 3

Please join us in ensuring Sheba’s BSL 3 Laboratory Complex can continue conducting important research to better prepare Israel to meet the threat of future pandemics.

Your support plays a significant role in backing research that will help medical professionals combat life-threatening pathogens like COVID 19 and pave the way to renewed hope for patients everywhere.