A pioneer in the application of AI in clinical settings, Sheba has played a central role in the development of numerous solutions that are now used across the globe. This includes Aidoc, which was founded at Sheba and now provides advanced AI decision-support tools to many of the world’s leading medical centers.

A recent Sheba study, published in the International Journal of Emergency Medicine, demonstrated the critical impact of Aidoc’s technologies for the early detection of intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH).

Led by Dr. David Orion, Head of Sheba’s Stroke and Neuroendovascular Department, the research involved an extensive retrospective study that reviewed 587 patients diagnosed with ICH. The team compared two cohorts: one that had their CT scans analyzed by AI and another that did not, and the findings were remarkable: AI support led to earlier detection, enabling physicians to initiate therapeutic interventions significantly sooner. Early detection resulted in a staggering relative decrease in the absolute mortality rate by over 30% in patients who benefited from AI analysis.

Aidoc’s Impact Doesn’t Stop at Enhancing Survival Rates

However, the impact of Aidoc’s system doesn’t stop at enhancing survival rates. The study also dove into patients’ quality of life after treatment. Using the Modified Rankin Scale (MRS), a standardized scale for measuring degrees of disability, it was revealed that the AI cohort not only achieved higher survival rates, but the quality of those saved lives was notably improved.

By enabling early detection and treatment, AI isn’t just saving lives; it’s elevating the standard of healthcare and offering new hope for better outcomes in emergency medical conditions for people all over the world.

As we reflect on this incredible milestone, it’s essential to see it as more than a validation of a single algorithm or technology. It stands as a testament to the tremendous potential of AI in healthcare at large. At Sheba, we’re not just observers of this future; we’re active participants in shaping it, and as AI continues to develop, we’re filled with optimism for the untapped possibilities that lie ahead in enhancing healthcare and, most importantly, saving lives.

Aidoc, which was founded at Sheba and now provides advanced AI decision-support tools to many of the world’s leading medical centers.

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